❤️🔥This set of affirmations will encourage all moms!
💗Whether you are expecting, adopting, fostering, a brand new mom, a mama worn down, or a mother who is loving life.
💗Whether you are having a great day or a challenging day.
💗Whether you’re a working mom, or a stay at home mama.
💗My hope is that these cards will bring you peace, confidence, and encouragement, like they have in my life as a mom of littles.
💕Why are affirmation cards helpful?
✨When we practice positive affirmations, we have the ability to change our perception, which can change our thought life, which can change our brain, which can change our reality. That’s POWERFUL!
✨Recent research shows that the words we speak can actually help reprogram our subconscious mind. According to a Neuroscientist at Thomas Jefferson University “a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.” How amazing!
✨So the way you speak to and about yourself directly influences how you FEEL. To keep our minds healthy, it is helpful to speak positive affirmations daily. But speaking positive affirmations takes PRACTICE. Let these affirmation cards help.
This set includes: